Sunday, September 27, 2020



The above is my user id on ebay. The link will take you directly to my seller's page. Click on the "items for sale" link in top right corner of that page.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Meaningful Beauty from Cindy Crawford For sale

Folks - I am not paid by CCMB in any way. I don't work for them. I bought these from a nonprofit thrift store that gets returned mail from post office. These are authentic. There are no guarantees. This is just a way for you to try it before you get suckered into their auto subscription program. Follow links to buy them from ebay.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Delta Decorative Stencils listed on ebay Don't miss out on this fun stencils.

Pumpkin Stencil

Border, hearts,magnolias stencils

4 stencils, chickens,vegetables,dinosuars,sunbonnet boy

Anybody into stenciling?
I found these in my craft bins. I'm slowly decluttering the crafts stuff. These have never been used but the paper topper have been eaten by critters. 
click on link above to take you to my ebay site for purchase of any of these.

Ultra Rare Jurassic Parl Evil Raiders Dr Snare and Skinner

Jurassic Park Evil Raiders

I have just listed on ebay this Ultra Rare Pair of Jurassic Park Figures.Price for this set is $199.99
Get it now before someone else snatches it away.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

the coffee scrub on ebay right now! 2 for $14.99 includes the shipping

Coffee Scrub

Click the link above to take you to my ebay listing for this product.

My price is $14.99 for 2 and that includes the shipping. 

They appear to be a single use bag. There is not a ounce listing on the bag. They came on IPSY bags.

the coffee scrub coconut scented

you can read the reviews on the mfg website.

Coffee scrubs are reported to be good for exfoliating the skin. They use the grounds themselves to remove the dead skin. Leaving skin underneath to feel smooth. A side effect of exfoliating is improving the circulation of the skin , you are after all rubbing it all over your skin. 

The caffeine in coffee is reported to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Again you have to use it regularly and for a consistent period of time before it will show any difference. 

Coffee as an exfoliate is a natural source as opposed to man made synthetic. How much better for the environment is that.

These are all my own opinions and observations. Always do the research when using anything new on your body. make sure to test a small spot before you do your entire body.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Pirating Photo's or Cropping someone else's photo's for your use.

So you tell me?  Did the seller in the top shoot exactly the same photograph as me. Hint check the ending dates. You'll see mine ended earlier, which means I had my photo on first.
This is just plain laziness on the part of the seller. I take the time to shoot each item I sell in the best light possible to give the buyer as much info as they need to make an informed decision. And this clown comes along crops it to suit his needs. My husband and I've been doing this for 20 years and have always shot our own pictures. The couple of times we got lazy and used a mfg's pix, they nailed us, so we no longer do that unless it's part of ebay's catalog. Fortunely this seller took the pictures down before I could lodge a formal complaint with Ebay but since then I've had to take the extra step to add a watermark to all our photo's.