Saturday, March 11, 2017

Pirating Photo's or Cropping someone else's photo's for your use.

So you tell me?  Did the seller in the top shoot exactly the same photograph as me. Hint check the ending dates. You'll see mine ended earlier, which means I had my photo on first.
This is just plain laziness on the part of the seller. I take the time to shoot each item I sell in the best light possible to give the buyer as much info as they need to make an informed decision. And this clown comes along crops it to suit his needs. My husband and I've been doing this for 20 years and have always shot our own pictures. The couple of times we got lazy and used a mfg's pix, they nailed us, so we no longer do that unless it's part of ebay's catalog. Fortunely this seller took the pictures down before I could lodge a formal complaint with Ebay but since then I've had to take the extra step to add a watermark to all our photo's.

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