Monday, December 31, 2012

Why I don't do ebay anymore.

I did ebay for years. But then ebay changed their rules and let the buyers have all the power.
Which is good but it only takes one or two disgruntled people to screw up your whole works.
I have always been upfront and honest about my shipping terms.
Now I won't say that I've not missed shipping something on time because it's happened. (but I fixed this when I changed the email addy on my accounts and that's the one address I check every day without fail and sometimes several times a day)
but I have never charged a handling fee for my service and I've always listed my shipping fees in the ad. So the buyer has a choice - if they don't like my fee they should simply pass on the auction or they can agree and purchase the item.
Apparently a couple people choose to leave low scores on my shipping terms when they left detailed seller ratings. And this sent my seller rating plummeting. I don't sell alot on ebay because I still work full time and this is more or less a way to get rid of the excess in my house.
The problem comes from paypal which after ebay dropped my seller rating, paypal's terms with ebay allow it to hold my money until the buyer leaves feedback or confirmation on shipping, both of which I had on one item and paypal still held my money for 7 business days. On a two dollar item it's not a big deal but when it's a 20-30 item that's alot.
This is what sucks. And what truely sucks is that I have 100% good feedback.

So I started hunting for additional ways and that's how I came across ecrater. I've been on etsy for years and just never listed a lot. I also started using Amazon alot more but they pissed me off when they took my collectibles off because they are listed as toys during the christmas season. Their loss I sold them both on ecrater and didn't have to pay the amazon fees.
This blog has links to all the sites I list on. So follow the links.
Mary and Ed

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