Thursday, February 18, 2016

Proactiv Plus - Another Buyer Beware - Read the fine print

I managed to get hold of a shipment of Proactiv products. They have been listed on ebay for sale.

But their marketing is another one of those misleading ones ,that unless you read carefully, you will be stuck.

From their website after you place the products in your cart here's the language you get"

Proactiv+ 3-Step System, 30-day Supply. WHEN YOU ORDER PROACTIV+ TODAY, YOU’LL ALSO RECEIVE YOUR FREE GIFTS AND FREE SHIPPING! For today’s 30-day 3-Step System, you will be charged 1 payment of $29.95 with FREE shipping and handling for this shipment.
Approximately 4 weeks after your first order is shipped, and then approximately every 12 weeks thereafter, you will be sent a new 90 day supply of Proactiv+®. Each shipment will be charged to the card you provide today, in three installments, approximately every 4 weeks at the guaranteed low price of $29.95 plus $2.99 for shipping and handling per installment, unless you call to cancel. There is no commitment and no minimum to buy. Please note exact shipment times may vary. To customize future shipments and charges, call customer service anytime at 1-800-235-6050.

Every Proactiv® order includes a 60-day money-back guarantee of the purchase price less shipping and handling.

Did you get all that. Unfortunately most people don't bother to read this description when they sign up for these kind of things. AGAIN I stress - READ THE DETAILS EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GIVE YOU CREDIT CARD INFO OUT. 

Here's the jest. You pay 29.99 now and then in a month they will send you a 90 day supply for which your getting dinged $33 for the next three months. 

UNLESS you CALL and cancel.  

Now I don't know about you but have you ever tried to cancel anything by phone. Try it sometime and see how far you get. I tried once with the cable company and the results were not pretty - Needless to say I no longer sign up for anything that I cannot cancel on the web WITHOUT speaking to anyone.

I don't understand the need for "reputable companies" to use this type of tactic to gain sales. I'm a grown ass women and I can remember to order more product if I need it.

And yes I am selling a couple of products that are expired. But since there is no law against it and people are willing to buy..... it's clearly listed in the listing. I don't buy it anywhere , it tells you this from the start in the title.

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