Monday, November 5, 2012

Secondhandspirits - My vision

This blog is a result of my years of selling online. I've been selling in one way or another on ebay since 1997. I started with a polaroid camera and a scanner. Today I'm using a digital camera and the desktop. My goal in the next year is for an ipad so I can streamline the whole picture taking/uploading thing.

I've had to back off ebay right now. I had some disgruntled people who even though I clearly show my shipping cost upfront got upset and gave me low scores on my DSR, rating even though I have 100% positive feedback. Why ebay gives them the power to be anonymous is beyond me. As a result my rating has slipped and since I'm "below standard" according to a few people my status now sucks. So the direct result is that I can no longer instantly access money people have paid me. and my items come in low on search results for ebay. Truly ebay is trying to persuade the small seller from ever selling on ebay.

So as a result I have found alternatives to ebay like ETSY, AMAZON and even ECRATOR
I love the thrill of the hunt for stuff that people will buy. It's truly a rush to sell off that dress you bought for last years christmas party.

I'm a thrifter at heart and I'm someone that spent 7 years as a thrift store manager. I'm still working on the book for handling thrift store donations. Because people just don't know what they've got in their back rooms and how to make the most of it. I'll finish that book sometime to the next year but for now. I'm trying to get rid of all this excess stuff we have.

I have years of Nightmare Before Christmas Collectibles. The only I cannot sell off is the my NBC globe collection.

So for now I'm listing the stuff I have on each of the sites. I'm trying not to cross post on two sites. So if you see something here look to see where I've posted it.
Most of my selling are id's are now secondhandspirits. 
Email me with any questions about products. is the email I'm monitoring every day now. So email me there with questions. I read this on the bus in the mornings going to work. I work a 4am to 1pm shift 3 days. and a 7-2 shift the other two days. So if I need to check the product itself it will be after those times.

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