Monday, February 15, 2016

Juice Plus - Another Example of when to read the fine print.

This is what Juice Plus says it is:
Juice Plus+ is whole food based nutrition, including juice powder concentrates from 30 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. Not a multivitamin, medicine, treatment or cure for any disease, Juice Plus+ is made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule to provide natural nutrients your body needs to be at its best.

I have these listed on ebay here. This particular listing of mine has  4 bottles - 2 of the Orchard and 2 of the Garden Blends. EACH bottle has 120 capsules. 

Here's where you need to pay attention and fully understand what you are reading on the internet before you buy.

 You can buy these on their website for 44.50 a month. They send you 4 bottles at a time and charge you 44.50 a month for 4 months = $158.00 plus shipping. Then automatically send you another 4 bottles after you finished the 4th installment. 

IF you don't read that website correctly you would think you are getting the BOX of FOUR for $44.50 because at a quick glance and quick read that's what your mind tells you. It's only after you STOP and actually read what your buying do you realize that $44.50 PER MONTH FOR 4 MONTHS.

MORAL of this posting - READ every detail before handing your credit card numbers over to ANYONE. If you don't understand email and ask for clarification. SAVE the emails. Because if what they tell you in an email is different then what happens, you have a paper trail.  These kinds of companies are a pet peeve of mine. I think if they stand behind their product, why resort to this type of marketing.

Please go to the website and decide for yourself, then feel free to come back here and leave your comments. I know at times I'm a little slow on the uptake so I'd like to hear what others think. And keep in mind while your reading, while you may get it the first time you read it, how many out there like me, who at first glance thought it was $44.50 for the first BOX. And get all excited and go and order, only to find out on the 2nd month that they are getting dinged for another $44.50 a month. 

But I only have the four bottles and will you only pay me once for whatever the final bid is. I am not affiliated with this website in any way and as such there are no guarantees about the effectiveness of the product. If you want a guarantee go to the website and put yourself thru that nightmare of auto shipments and payments.

I buy this stuff when I see it , so that others may try it and then decide hassle free if they want to pursue the product further.  

All bottle are sealed and expire 7/2017.

Yes I want you to buy my bottles. BUT at the same time I want you to stop and start paying attention to the fine print before handing your credit card over to everyone.

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